Welcome to the Town of Halton Hills Bid Opportunities Website
This platform enables vendors to conveniently view open bid opportunities published by the Town of Halton Hills.
Vendor Account
Vendors are encouraged to create a no charge vendor account by clicking on the “Create Account” link in order to receive email notifications about posted bid opportunities.
Vendors are solely responsible for ensuring their vendor account information is kept current. For step-by-step instructions on how to create an Account please refer to the Vendor Guide.
Certificate of Recognition (CORTM)
To continue building safe and welcoming communities, the Town of Halton Hills has adopted the Certificate of Recognition (COR™) Program as part of our construction procurement and contract management processes. This new, mandatory certification requirement for vendors, reaffirms the Town’s commitment to the health and safety of our contractors, employees, and residents.
Phase 1: Vendors must have COR™ certification by January 1, 2025 for construction projects valued over $5 million.
Phase 2: Vendors must have COR™ certification by January 1, 2026 for construction projects valued over $2.5 million.
Phase 3: Vendors must be COR™ registered by January 1, 2027 for individual construction projects or the cumulative annual construction projects valued between $500,000 and $2.5 million.
For more information on CORTM visit IHSA: Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
Notice of Participation with Buying Groups
The Town of Halton Hills actively participates in collaborative procurement processes, and holds membership in numerous buying groups, public bodies and agencies. For additional details, along with access to pertinent information and notifications, please visit the websites of the following:
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (Vendor of record Arrangements)
Ontario Municipalities
Purchasing Support
If you have questions about a specific bid opportunity, please use the Submit a Question feature for each bid opportunity. You may also contact Purchasing Town of Halton Hills by email at purchasing@haltonhills.ca.
Technical Support
If you encounter technical issues, please contact support@bidsandtenders.ca
The following is a list of our current online bid opportunities. Please click on the Status dropdown (currently on “Open”) to filter the list based on the various status types.
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The Town of Halton Hills, 1 Halton Drive, Halton Hills, Ontario, L7G 5G2, Canada